Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Vocabulary #7

cursory- Hasty, not thorough in detail 

Ex: I was confused by the hasty directions.


impetus- Force or energy which moves a body or mass
Ex: College causes an impetus that makes me want to do good in school. 
pinnacle- the most successful point, the highest point of a rock 
Ex: I feel like my life is balancing on a pinnacle.

contumely- insolent or insulting language or treatment 
Ex: She speaks with a contumely vocabulary. 

bereavement- be deprived of a loved one through a profound absence
Ex: The family suffered a sad bereavement.

cache- a collection of iteams of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place
Ex: They found a cache of rare jewls. 

consummation- the point where something is complete of finalized
Ex: They were adding some final touches before the consummation of the project was due. 

calamity- an event causing great and often sudden damage or distress 
Ex: The hurricane caused great calamity in the country. 

avarice- extreme greed for wealth or material gain 
Ex: St. Joe students have a greater avarice compared to Righetti students. 

fortify- provide defense against attack, strengthen mentally or physically
Ex: Coach Herrmann really fortified the football program this year. 

erratic- not even or regular in pattern or movement
Ex: The dance teams performance was very erratic and they were embarrassed. 

ubiquitous- present, appearing or found everywhere
Ex: The school spirit is ubiquitous on Fridays.

fortitude- courage in pain or adversity
Ex- He took breaking his leg with great fortitude

nonchalant- feeling or appearing casually calm and relaxed; not displaying anxiety
Ex: My mom acted nonchalant when I told her about my ticket. 

affect- touch the feelings, move emotionally, make a difference to 
Ex: Your diet affects your weight. 

effect- a change that is a result or a consequence of an action, have an influencing role that makes a difference. 
Ex: Insurance covers personal effects

misappropriate- dishonestly or unfairly take something for own use
Ex: He was punished for the misappropriate use of the teachers supplies. 

pragmatic- dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations
Ex: It's rare finding someone with a pragmatic view on life. 

metacognition- awareness and understanding of ones own thought processes. 
Ex: I have complete metacognition when I'm alone in my room. 

devoutly- having or showing deep religious feeling or commitment
Ex: Their family devoutly goes to church every Sunday. 

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