Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Truly Interesting Piece of Non-Fiction

I know i'm doing this way out of chronological order, but I want to get caught up since I started the class a week and a half after the school year had already started.

Today I was reading about elephants being poisoned in Zimbabwe. Poachers are contaminating watering holes and ground surfaces with industrial cyanide. Once the elephant has consumed the poison, it will collapse shortly after and that is when the poachers come in and remove the tusks from the elephants. This isn't only putting elephants at danger, all other species are now at risk. Even humans are at risk! Any living being that comes in contact with a contaminated area is immediately at risk for death.
This is horrifying, especially for me because I visited a country in Africa this summer and while we were on our safari, our tour guide really emphasized the fact that rangers in parks are on the look out for poachers because more and more elephants are being found dead. There were a group of men that were found with 17 elephant tusks in their possession. Each of them are being faced with fines and have been sentenced to 16 years in jail.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Netvibes Account

I created a Netvibes account and I already find it very beneficial! By creating this dashboard, it makes it so much easier for me to access all of my social networks, read up on news stories, check the weather and even read about this that I am interested in. I have a feeling I'm going to be referring to this dashboard a lot!

Monday, September 23, 2013

Vocabulary 4+5=6

accede- verb 
assent or agree to a demand, request, or treaty
Ex- I asked Jasmyne to do my homework because I knew she would accede

brandish- verbwave or flourish (something, esp. a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitementEx: The football players run out and wave the flag very brandishly.
comprise- verb
consist of; be made up ofEx- The recipe comprises of chocolate ice cream and bananas.
deft- adjectiveneatly skillful and quick in one's movementsEx: She won employee of the month because she was very deft
destitute- adjectivewithout the basic necessities of life Ex: The couple were destitutely to stranded on the island.
explicit- adjectivestated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubtEx: Dr. Preston is always explicit with his directions in class. 
extirpate- verbroot out and destroy completelyEx: The Syrian president is extirpating his citizens with chemicals. 
inopportune- adjectiveoccurring at an inconvenient or inappropriate timeEx: My injury came at a very inopportune time in my sports career. 
ironic- adjectiveusing or characterized by ironyEx: It would be ironic for a firehouse to burn down. 
musty- adjectivehaving a stale, moldy, or damp smellEx: The locker room smelled very musty
officious- adjectiveassertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, esp. with regard to petty or trivial matters Ex- She was an officious president. 
ominous- adjectivegiving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspiciousEx: I had an ominous feeling when the plane shook. 
pinnacle-  nouna high, pointed piece of rock
set on or as if on a pinnacleEx: We climbed to the top and took pictures at the pinnacle
premeditated- verb
think out or plan (an action, esp. a crime) beforehandEx: Usually murders are premeditated.
rampant- adjective 
(esp. of something unwelcome or unpleasant) flourishing or spreading unchecked 
Ex: The disease was rampant and spread all over the country.
solace- nouncomfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadnessEx- My boyfriend wrote me a solace text. 
stately- adjectivehaving a dignified, unhurried, and grand manner; majestic in manner and appearanceEx: She has stately posture.
supple- adjective
bending and moving easily and gracefully; flexibleEx: my emotions are supple when it comes to college. 
suppress- verbforcibly put an end toEx: the murderer suppressed the poor boys life. 
venal- adjective
showing or motivated by susceptibility to briberyEx: If you offer her something, she'll venally accept.

Adroit- clever or skillful in using the hands or mind
Ex- I adroitly built the model rocket. 

Amicable- having a spirit of friendliness
Ex- They welcomed us very amicably at the door. 

Averse- having a strong dislike or opposition for something
Ex- He had an averse opinion about the book. 

Belligerent- hostile and aggressive
Ex- I get scared when someone comes at me belligerently

Benevolent- well meaning and kindly
Ex- she benevolently apologize for what she had said. 

Cursory- hasty, not thorough or detailed
Ex- The directions were cursory, I was very confused. 

Duplicity- deceitfulness, double-dealing 
Ex- There was duplicity to the picture. 

Extol- praise enthusiastically
Ex- They extol the homecoming queen every year. 

Feasible- possible to do easily, convenient
Ex- Blogging is so feasible for posting assignments. 

Grimace- an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust or pain
Ex- She looked at him with grimace as he walked away from her. 

Holocaust- destruction or slaughter of a mass scale
Ex- Syria is going through a modern day holocaust

Impervious- not allowing fluid to pass through
Ex- Don't let your brain be impervious in class. 

Impetus- the force or energy with which a body moves
Ex- There is this impetus feeling that makes me want to accomplish all of my goals. 

Jeopardy- danger of loss, harm or failure
Ex- I don't want to don't anything to put my relationship in jeopardy

Meticulous- showing great attention to detail; careful and precise
Ex- My boss is very meticulous when it comes to us caterig. 

Nostalgia- a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typical for a period or place with happy personal associations
Ex- Listening to this song make me feel nostalgia, I miss the past. 

Quintessence- the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
Ex- The rose is the quintessence of beauty. 

Retrogress- go back to an earlier state, typically a worse one
Ex- Some people addicted to drugs retrogress after months of being clean. 

Scrutinize- examine or inspect thoroughly
Ex- I always scrutinize my surroundings. 

Tepid- only slightly warm, showing little emotion
Ex- Her reaction was very tepid, I'm not sure if she even cared. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Vocabulary #5

Adroit- clever or skillful in using the hands or mind
Ex- Ben adroitly put together the model rocket.

Amicable- having a spirit of friendliness
Ex- Her parents were very amicable while welcoming us.

Averse- having a strong dislike or opposition for something
Ex- You could tell he didn’t agree by the averse tone in his voice.

Belligerent- hostile and aggressive
Ex- My uncle is drunk when he starts acting belligerent.

Benevolent- well meaning and kindly
Ex- My mom wrote a very benevolent card to me on my 16th birthday.

Cursory- hasty, not thorough or detailed
Ex- The essay was very cursorily written.

Duplicity- deceitfulness, double-dealing
Ex- Her thoughts and mindset showed a sense of duplicity.

Extol- praise enthusiastically
Ex- The little girl would extol her older sister as a toddler.

Feasible- possible to do easily, convenient
Ex- She changed the appointment to make it feasible on me.

Grimace- an ugly, twisted expression on a person's face, typically expressing disgust or pain
Ex- She looked at him with grimace as he walked with another girl.

Holocaust- destruction or slaughter of a mass scale
Ex- Hitler was the creator behind the holocaust.

Impervious- not allowing fluid to pass through
Ex- The drain was imperviously clogged with hair.

Impetus- the force or energy with which a body moves
Ex- The thought of deadlines brings an impetus desire to finish my assignments.

Jeopardy- danger of loss, harm or failure
Ex- The team’s winning streak is at jeopardy, they aren’t going to win the game.

Meticulous- showing great attention to detail; careful and precise
Ex- My AP teacher is very meticulous with her grading.

Nostalgia- a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typical for a period or place with happy personal associations
Ex- That song is nostalgic, it reminds me of this past summer.

Quintessence- the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class
Ex- The rose is the quintessence of beauty.

Retrogress- go back to an earlier state, typically a worse one
Ex- The economy today is retrogressing back to times of The Great Depression.

Scrutinize- examine or inspect thoroughly
Ex- My grandma enjoys scrutinizing my bedroom.

Tepid- only slightly warm, showing little emotion
Ex- I don’t think my boyfriend cares, he gave me a tepid response.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Vocabulary #4

accede- verb
assent or agree to a demand, request, or treatyEx: They had to accede to the budget proposal.
brandish- verbwave or flourish (something, esp. a weapon) as a threat or in anger or excitementEx: He would brandish his hands every time they fought. 

comprise- verbconsist of; be made up ofEx: The recipe comprised of eggs, onion and tomato. 
deft- adjectiveneatly skillful and quick in one's movementsEx: He had a very deft manner while he was working. 
destitute- adjectivewithout the basic necessities of life Ex: It's sad when people ending up destitute and living on the streets.
explicit- adjectivestated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubtEx: I knew she was telling the truth by the explicit explanations she responded with. 
extirpate- verbroot out and destroy completelyEx: Hitler tried to extirpate The Jews. 
inopportune- adjectiveoccurring at an inconvenient or inappropriate timeEx: My sister came home at a very inopportune time during the night. 
ironic- adjectiveusing or characterized by ironyEx: It was ironic that his middle name is the same as my grandfathers. 
musty- adjectivehaving a stale, moldy, or damp smellEx: The cheese smelled very musty, so I threw it away.  
officious- adjectiveassertive of authority in an annoyingly domineering way, esp. with regard to petty or trivial mattersEx: She tried to officiously run the group, but the members voted her out. 
ominous- adjectivegiving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspiciousEx: The fog ominously rolled in over the ocean and mountain tops. 
pinnacle-  nouna high, pointed piece of rockverbset on or as if on a pinnacleEx: My life feels as if I'm balancing on a pinnacle
premeditated- verbthink out or plan (an action, esp. a crime) beforehandEx: The robber was now being charged with premeditated murder. 
rampant- adjective(esp. of something unwelcome or unpleasant) flourishing or spreading uncheckedEx: There was a rampant rumor going around the school. 
solace- nouncomfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadnessEx: My boyfriend knows I'm upset when he wraps his arms around me with solace.  
stately- adjectivehaving a dignified, unhurried, and grand manner; majestic in manner and appearanceEx: She walks around stately with confidence. 
supple- adjective
bending and moving easily and gracefully; flexibleEx: My agenda is very supple this week. 
suppress- verbforcibly put an end toEx: I just had to suppress our friendship because of her actions. 
venal- adjective
showing or motivated by susceptibility to briberyEx: She venally accepted the challenge when she heard about the reward.