Monday, August 26, 2013

Vocabulary #2

Vocabulary Definitions 

obesity- the condition of being grossly fat or overweight

accumulategather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of

massa coherent, typically large body of matter with no definite shape; the majority of

diseasea disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, esp. one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury

diet the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats

prevalencethe fact or condition of being prevalent; commonness

stigmaa mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person

preventkeep (something) from happening or arising

adolescentin the process of developing from a child into an adult

cardiovascularof or relating to the heart and blood vessels

excessivemore than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate

mechanisma system of parts working together in a machine; a piece of machinery

sedentarytending to spend much time seated; somewhat inactive

predisposemake someone liable or inclined to a specified attitude, action, or condition

syndromea group of symptoms that consistently occur together or a condition characterized by a set of associated symptoms

Vocabulary Sentences

Obesity is becoming a bigger problem each and every day in America
Unhealthy body weight will accumulate from eating fattening food 
Woman have a higher body mass than men 
There are many ways to prevent diseases 
It's important to have a balanced diet
The lack of knowledge on food nutrition is very prevalent today in America 
There is some social stigma amongst peers 
There's a lot of knowledge behind preventing obesity 
Most adolescents don't know nor care about their long term health 
Exercises like running and bike riding are good for the cardiovascular system 
Excessive amounts of fast food can be very dangerous for your health and body 
There are several defense mechanisms that help to keep you emotionally healthy
My injury has cause me to live a more sedentary lifestyle 
Cigarette smokers are predisposed towards lung cancer and risk for heart disease
Down's Syndrome is a serious genetic disease 

Text Analysis #1

The article The Blame Game and Obesity in America talks about the many faults to the rising rate of obesity in children and adults all over America. America's have a tendency to put the blame on a higher power for substances that harmfully affect their bodies, but like James Tillotson said, "You don't have the collusion of the cover-up you had in smoking." Cigarette smokers put the blame on the government and cigarette companies for making such health-jeopardizing cigarettes. Well the same blame is trying to take place in this situation. Consumers are blaming to producers for the damage their food is causing. In reality, the consumers just lack the necessary knowledge needed to ingest healthier choices. People should understand that the price compares with the quality and the famous quote "you are what you eat" really helps turn against fast food. "The medical community takes much of the blame," says Dr. George Blackburn. "Today, the food industry suffers from nutrition research overload, with tidal waves of new and sometimes contradictory health findings that strain its ability to produce appealing foods that are in sync with the latest science." Since the medical community feels at fault, it seems that they are trying to catch up and get to where we need to be in nutritional knowledge. Even though their findings might not always be what is expected or positive, consumers so read up on medical findings and self-educate more before they decide to consume something they are going to regret down the road.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Prose & Cons: Obesity

 Weight-loss is becoming more popular as time goes on. Gym memberships are purchased, fitness programs are practiced and yet, no one stops to think about how unhealthy food is really affecting them. All this talk about weight-loss has just recently started because, “In the last three decades, obesity has doubled among adults and tripled among children.”(Lohan) Of course, there are many factors contributing to the drastic weight gain, but the most obvious are diet and exercise.
         On, a simple question was asked, “Is fast food to blame for obesity?” and a pole was open to discussion on the Internet. This gives anyone the opportunity to vote based on their opinion and briefly explain their justification, 23% felt that fast food is to blame for obesity and 77% felt that the blame is solely on the consumers.
Someone anonymously voted against fast food being at fault for obesity and stated, “As it takes lots of fast food for one to get obese, its not one sitting of fast food. People need to smarten up about their food intake choices, as it could kill them in the end.” There is a loss for limitation amongst all of this. Since fast food is so accessible, people are taking advantage of the easy access, which is causing all of these health issues. Another anonymous voter commented, “McDonald's doesn't put a gun to your head and tell you to eat a big mac 3 times a week. You're responsible for yourself and I laugh at anyone who says they're addicted to fast food or say they're overweight because of it. No, you're overweight because you have no self-control.” People are loosing respect for themselves and should be completely at fault for self inflicted issues.
An anonymous voter that voted yes to fast food being the blame for obesity said,
Fast food might taste better than what we might cook at home but it is ruining our cooking skills and make us a lazy. Having a busy lifestyle like working long hours but fast food is still to blame for the high risk of health problems and high risk of heart disease no matter on the lifestyle.
But their comment sounds a lot like a consumer problem more than anything. It’s not the fast food company’s fault for a lack of cooking skills and desirable laziness. Another voter that voted yes commented,
I'm not saying it's the stores fault for cooking unhealthy food, but that it is because of fast food that people are obese. Even though no one forces you to eat fast food, it is fast food itself that is to blame for obesity because it's not like healthy meals are making us fat.
That comment sounds very contradicting and illiterate. If healthy meals aren’t making us fat, then make people should start considering those options.
         In conclusion, Americans should stop trying to point fingers and name a blame for obesity. There are simple precautious for obesity that all start with self-discipline. The choices people make, determine the life they live in the long run. There are many contributors to the cause of obesity, but diet and exercise are the main two. This issue is all a matter of choices, choices that need to be changed.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


This website really caught my eye with modern features including a Meal Nutrition Facts Calculator and a Fast Food Nutrition Blog. The website operates by clicking on the fast food restaurant of interest and their entire menu pops up equipped with each and every items nutritional information

Fast Food Nutrition: Know what you're eating

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Vocabulary #1

Expository- detailed description or discussion
Composition- putting together of things
Assuage- relieve something unpleasant
Decadence- state of decline, immorality
Hackneyed- ordinary and unimaginative
Coalition- political alliance, merging into single entity
Transcend- go beyond limit, be independent of world
Meritorious- showing merit
Lurid- horrifying or shocking, unattractively bright
Petulant- sulky, bad temper. Bratty 


The prompt was assigning us to write an expository essay
Our football players all have great body compositions.
He assuaged that moment he broke his tailbone playing baseball
There is decadence in society today
That was a very hackneyed response you gave me
They decided to form a coalition to share the responsibility
Her thoughts were so transcend, I couldn’t bear to comprehend
Employees are rewarded for particularly meritorious work
The police officer had some lurid news to tell the parents
She had a very petulant attitude while walking through the halls 

Monday, August 19, 2013

What the $%&@! is "Expository Composition"?

Expository Composition offers more of a challenge for students that enjoy writing. It's a class based on descriptive, diverse writing and ways of thinking.

It's all Latin to me

dimidium facti qui coepit habet: sapere aude, incipe

translation: He who has begun is half done:  dare to know, begin! 

To me, the quote means that even though someone who has already started to do something is done yet, they've only completed half. Someone who hasn't started, but still wants to, should start so they don't get much further behind. It really makes me think of all the other possibility there is out there available that I don't even know about.

My Big Question

I've always wanted to know what gives objects, items, people a value? What determines a particular value for each and every piece of matter on this earth? What gives relationships value? or memories? What really is the difference between price value and sentimental value?